Hey there! So, I just joined FedNet as the new Community Manager, and woah, what a week to start!
In the past weeks we had all the news on Lulzsec hacking into U.S. Senate’s website, continued on with Sega’s 1.3 million customer records exposed, hackers broke into Fox’s political twitter account, and on top of it all, last week my visa card was compromised, putting quite a damper on my weekend plans. Ya, thanks hackers.
As I equip myself with as much cyber info I can handle, educate myself on the wrath of hackers and learn more each day on how to protect myself, I can’t help but how to win blackjack online feel overwhelmed.
If the U.S. senate can be hacked for kicks and pure enjoyment, than my lil ol’ Facebook account has no hope. Or so it seems.
As your average consumer, and general public, I often wonder- why would anyone really have any interest in my vacation pics, friend requests, twitter followers and emails? I mean, really half my emails are religious forwards from my mother. However, as I learn more and more about the politics of hackerdom, I see that it goes far beyond my status updates and email attachments.
How does one protect themselves?
This is far more complicated than the boogieman.
Stay tuned,